So drunk in the August sun
And you're the kind of girl I like
Because you're empty and I'm empty
And you can never quarantine the past

Friday, April 1, 2011

scratch that

back to the Blog.

korea update

well here it is, the private school (koreans call them 'hagwons') who i thought i'd parted ways with.. well the director and i had a little chat, and let me tell you: it pays to know korean in korea. mainly, you can talk business without there being a giant wall of 'i don't know what you're trying to say and how to express myself so that you will understand. and i'm also afraid to offend you or your culture but i have to stand up for myself.. but i don't know how to do that when we can't communicate etc. etc. etc.' between the two of you. basically it's cycles of this until the employee just decides it's too exhausting to keep bringing up issues that the hagwon director just really doesn't care about (a lot of times they do understand, but they play a little stupid to get you to just go away). what's that? problems at work? contract issues? we're holding your diploma hostage? working you overtime without compensation? welcome to korea bitch.

in the past week mine has bumped my pay up by baby increments until i finally said listen.. listen lady. ''i just do not have time for this (i do. i absolutely do.. i'm really not going anywhere), and if you tell me right now that you can't honor my contract, i just cannot stay here.'' she said ok we can do that, and i said ok now let's talk about this apartment situation (i live in a shoebox) and she said 'don't push it' and i said 'deal'.

so, we shook hands and then she moved in for a hug, but we were already shaking hands and i saw it was too late to save the situation from getting awkward. the only option was to bring her in and give her a quick man pat on the back and get out of there. i gave her two good pats, and she understood and did the same.

somewhere between number 5 and 6:

then we tried to open the door at the same time for each other and it opened inward so after 10 seconds of shifting left and right and apologizing and hating my life i pulled it open and walked out to freedom.

looks like things are back on track OR.. or.. you could say the way things should have been 7 months ago. that this is how and where korea should have started. but hey what an adventure it's been right? i'll never forget the poch

it's Spring, that means cruising round Ptown, windows down Pixies blaring. this year will be different. this year i will drink soju and cruise down gangnam ave on a stolen scooter. god bless seoul

Pixies - Head On

1 comment:

  1. good idea with the man pat.. puahahaha. work on the apartment, she'll eventually cave.
